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How To Braid Hair

Braiding Hair: Few Simple Steps

Braiding hair is one of the most ancient forms of making hairstyles which keeps long hair form entangling and getting in the way while working. When you were a kid your mother must have braided your hair many times. But now that you are old enough to not to take help from your mother for every small stuff, this article will teach you How To Braid Hair.

    Braiding hair is very simple but for the beginners it may seem to be a little tough and this is why here the steps of braiding are shown in detail.
      • Step1: first you should comb your hair properly so that there are no entanglements in the hair and you get a smooth braid.
      • Step 2: make a pony with a rubber band. This step is optional. But it is advisable for those of you who are trying braiding for the first time to follow this second step initially and then move on to braiding with lose hair.=
      • Step 3: divide the pony into three equal sections. If these sections are unequal the braid will either get twisted or get deviated to one side.
      • Step 4: now start overlapping the left section on to the middle section then the right section on the middle section always keeping the number of strands to 3.
      • Step 5: secure the end of the braid with a ponytail holder or a rubber band. Ponytail holders are better than the rubber bands because rubber bands damage the hair. Now you can use hairspray to set your braid.

      How To Braid Hair

      How To Braid Hair

      How To Braid Hair

      How To Braid Hair

      How To Braid Hair

      How To Braid Hair

      How To Braid Hair

      How To Braid Hair

      How To Braid Hair

      How To Braid Hair

      How To Braid Hair

      How To Braid Hair

      How To Braid Hair

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