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Products I'm not allowed to buy anymore.

There is a lot of post lately on decluttering. I think many of us, beauty addicts, have a tendency to accumulate way too much products. As a general rule I'm trying not to buy too many products that last a very long time or that are very similar with each other. What I mean by that is products like foundation, there is just one shade that's right for you, you cannot alternate colors, so there is not use in having ten different bottles.

I limit myself in the follow products:

- Foundation
-concealer and corrector
- mascara
-Body creams (I've been trying to finish one of my body shop body butter for 2 years!)
- Body Wash
- Hair and body oils
- Skin care products in general
- Shampoo
- eyebrow products

The products that I think it's nice to have many of:
- Eye shadows
- lip products
- blushes
- highlighters
- Perfumes

How about you? What products do you try to limit? With what products you let go your hoarder tendencies?

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