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Heart-to-heart: Answering a FAQ, Why am I single?

Hi there!

So, today I wanted to talk to you guys about something I get asked a lot. I get it on facebook, when I meet new people, I get it from people I already know and even from family members every now and then. Why don't you have a boyfriend? When are you gonna date someone? I can't believe you're single!
That's why I decided to sit here and kinda give an answer to those questions. Maybe it's not something I should explain but I kinda feel like sharing. Plus, I always wanted to do a FAQ thingy and this is my chance! LOL

Where to begin...
Ok #1, I'm not the type of person who goes out on dates a lot. In fact, I rarely do it. I'm also not good at meeting random people. I mean, I do like to meet new people and I like having friends and all that but that's usually when my friends introduce me to new people or I meet them through work and stuff. I am a social person, I just don't know how to "meet people first" (if that makes sense...) I guess it's a little hard for me to step out of my social cirlce (or comfort zone, lol).
I know how some people use dating sites to meet a possible partner but, idk, I never even considered doing that. Guess it's just not my style and I don't even think most of the people there are looking for a serious relationship anyway.

Let's move on to #2, when I do go out on a date with someone, I don't share it with the world, you won't read about it on facebook, or even here. I won't vlog it but, it doesn't mean it never happens. I'm usually someone who is ok sharing my life with everyone but I don't think making a first date all public is ok. At least not for me, because you just met this person and idk, I would only share it when I feel comfortable with it or when I feel it could lead to something more than just a date. I do share it with some close people and that's it.

And latstly, #3 would be...yes, I have been in love before, but after my one big love I haven't met a guy who makes me feel emotionally/romantically connected with.
I even tried to push myself into a relationship like a year ago(?) due to the pressure people can put on you just because you're single at a certain age, and now I know it was such a bad idea. (I'll get back to this later on.) You can't just force a connection with someone, if it is there, it's there, if not, no matter how much someone wants it, it won't be there. I've met nice guys, interesting people and... some others that are too intense or just not my type but none of them made me feel we had /that/ connection.

I do believe in love, I believe you can meet the love of your life when you less expect it and I want to be one of those people who are lucky enough to find "the one." I dream about getting married one day and have my own little family to take care of.
There are days when I wish I could just wake up and find (my version of) Mr. Perfect, fall in love and live happily ever after but, reality is way different. I dream about it, but I am not deperate.
I used to stress a lot about finding a boyfriend because suddenly it semed like that was the only thing people around me cared about: Why don't you go out with someone? When are you gonna be in love? You should go out more to find a boyfriend... you know, all that stuff. And  it came to the point where I got so sick of it! I just don't understand why others feel the need to tell you how to live your life or how to feel towars a certain thing just because "you're old enough to" or because "you're a certain age now." There is no thing that says you should do/stop doing something because you're a certain age. It could be anything and that includes being in a relationship. And I know this is a little out of topic but yeah, don't let people put that kind of pressure on you, and if they do, don't let it affect you.

And now I think I'm a little out of topic (Not weird, I know) so, with all that being said, right now, I can say that I am single because personally, I don't think I'm emotionally ready to jump in a relationship, there are still so many things I need to heal, figure out and so much I'm still working on. They say you need to fall in love with yourself first to be ready to fall in love with someone else and, I'm still on that process. I have plans I want to focus on but I also want to focus on me and on what I need. I guess I am single because I choose to be. (at least for now)
And, hey! it's not like being single is something bad, of course it doesn't mean I plan to stay single forever or that if love actually comes knocking on my door I won't accept it; it's just not something I want to worry about at the moment, it is not my priority. (it's funny how things change tho~)

That will be it for now, hope this helped a bit to answer those questions I get a lot. And who knows? Maybe I'll find that someone I can click with someday and yeah...maybe you'll read about it.

Any thoughts or comments on this? Share them with me down below!

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