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Maybelline 'Sea-quins' & Essence 'Miss Universe' NOTD

If you like anything that sparkles and/or the colour teal, then this manicure is for you. Essence's 'Miss Universe' is a black based polish with teal shimmer to make you swoon. Sea-quins which is part of Maybelline's Sequins range is a stunning teal glitter. Together I thought these polishes looked stunning and I add that I am really happy that I only used Sea-quins as an accent because it was a super tricky glitter to remove (silly me forgot the peel-off base coat). 

Sea-quins is a great glitter polish. Over 'Miss Universe' I only needed two coats to get complete density of the glitter and I think you would get pretty much the same result if you didn't have anything under it. A very dense glitter, no doubt about it! 

That's it for now, have a great day :)

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