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The Cute Blog Award


Yaay. Today i received another blog award from the lovely Andrea which of course has made my day. Thankyou very muchies.  As you know with these awards comes a selection of questions to answer before passing the award on to fellow-bloggy-lovelies..

The Rules
- Link back to the person who awarded you
- Answer award questions
- Share something you haven't shared about yourself on your blog
- Award as many blogs you think are worthy of this award

I realised i've answered a couple of the questions before on other blog awards so i've just answered the ones that i haven't already...(I've put the 2 questions at the end just incase you haven't answered these)

The Questions

1. What is your 'go to' make up product?
Concealer. If i have a touch of concealer on under my eyes it makes me look so much brighter and ready to face the day.

2. What was your favourite fashion trend of 2011?
Peter pan collars. Sheer panelling and the leather & lace trend. 
I'm glad that they're here to stay for a little while longer..

3. Favourite colour?
Pink. And the blue of the sea.

5. What was the last song you listened to?
Drunk - Ed Sheeran (I'm in love with his album)
Currently raving to a bit of Avicii - Levels.

6. Cats or dogs?
Oo very controversial ;) I'm such an animal lover so it's difficult to choose. But i must admit i am a bit of a cat person.. I just adore them - probably because i've always had cats in my family. I'm the type of person that sees a cat in the street and goes over to give it a cuddle..  

The questions that i've already answered but you might not have:
Whats your favourite desert?
Whats your middle name?

My 'Share'
I don't really think theres anything interesting about me that i haven't shared on my blog! Personally the thing i find hardest to share with anybody and tend to keep to myself is the fact i suffer from panic attacks. But i've already done a post on them.. (click here). Oherwise, i'll guess i'll just share the fact that i'd lovee to be an illustrator of children's books when i grow up (hahaa..'when i grow up' - love using that phrase).. I'm always sketching/doodling/drawing something. And i have a love of making my own stuffed toy characters.. :) I'd love to post a few pictures of the stuff i've done but i always feel like it doesn't really 'fit' with my blog..

The Blogs i award are 
(there's no number given so i've decided to go for 10)

Lots of love

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