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The Sandpeople return!

The scourge of the desert, the humans of Tatooine hate and fear the nomadic Sandpeople, and those creatures hate the humans and aliens dwelling there with equal venom, happy to shoot at and disable the pod racing vessels as they continue their speedy pursuits. Behind the scenes, local Tunisians donned all-new Sandpeople costumes and masks dirtied down to showcase their harsh living environment, directed by one of the film's non-primary units.

With the pod racing vessel crashes piling up, it isn't long before those other little rodents of the desert, the Jawas, come out to scavenge what they can get before clean-up droids arrive. The Jawas are in great danger from the Sandpeople, however, who are soon taking pot shots at them from above the canyon, but the potential profit makes their bold efforts worth the risk in this sadly deleted scene.

The Sandpeople coordinate their attacks and victories across the mountainside.

Local Tunisians try and stay out of the heat between takes.

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