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Jack Bauer Affirms My Life

Despite this blog's healthy readership, I know that my fanatical posts about 24 are of interest to exactly two people. But I am compelled to keep writing about my favorite TV show of all time anyway because, as I told guests at my screening party (after one-and-a-half years of waiting because of the writers strike), "24 is pretty much the only reason I have to live. So, if they ever announce the show's cancellation, be sure to call me immediately!"

Anyway, this is for "Superbadfriend" and "Narrioch":

24: Redemption, the two-hour special movie that just aired and that serves as the lead-in to Season Seven, is FUCKING AWESOME. Exciting, surprising, tense, action-packed, and intermittently moving as usual. Highlights include:

One of Jack Bauer's most awesome kills, which involves twisting a villain's neck in between his legs, while his other limbs are tied up.

The terrific casting decision of hiring Robert Carlyle (from many of Danny Boyle's films) as a former special-ops soldier protecting an African orphanage.

One of the series' most affecting deaths, which had someone sacrificing their life for the benefit of the others (right up there with George Mason piloting a plane with a nuclear bomb on it into Mojave Desert in Season Two and Ryan Chappelle taking bullet to the head in Season Three).

Candyman's in it! And you know how much I loves me my Candyman!

And the son of the new President (played by an icy Cherry Jones) is seriously hot, first appeared on-screen in nothing but a towel, and looks like he's going to be around much of next season. Eric Lively, I don't know who you are, but will you father my children?

If any of you closet 24 fans missed the show tonight and are furious that I didn't remind you that it was on, then fuck you! I can't believe you didn't mark it on your calendar! You don't deserve 24!

I hear that there's a new trailer for Season Seven out, but I refuse to watch it for fear of too many spoilers. (The last trailer contained a mind-blowing revelation that almost ruined my life.)

All right, it's off to the 24 message board. Goodbye.

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