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Warren Moon sued by Wendy Haskell after years of sexual abuse and harassment working for his sport marketing compnay

Wally Jackson
  Warren Moon couldn't believe it. The hall of fame quarterback and owner of some sports marketing venture capitalists throw so much money towards had only asked an assistant a few favors. Warren Moon couldn't believe hen his co-owners hired blond Wendy Haskell and unlike the fat women of his race this women is primness white meat. Warren decided that as a former athlete he was entitled to this woman and form day one Warren was making all these odd sexual overtures towards this woman.Surely this white woman was a bimbo Mr Moon felt holding typical black male and athlete  views of the opposite sex and Warren was so sure this woman would happily jump into bed and play. However, Moons frustrations was soon realized as this woman fought back against the sexual demands this scumbag was making and expecting often booking hotel rooms with one bed and demanding this woman share the bed to cut company costs.
One night that she had to share bed with this ugly old black man taking advantage of corporate culture to harass this lovely woman he grabbed at her couch and forced his hand to lay all night on her buttocks and forcing himself upon women likely came second nature to Mr Moon. Warren couldn't believe this woman kept resisting his sexual overtures and Wendy was so desperate for a cushy sports related job she tolerated the creepy advances of this shit head until enough was enough.This guys prolongation toward harassing women was so known that when the Houston and new owners were rewarded a new NFL franchise they didn't want to use the popular Oiler name as it brought up and was too related to Warren Moon's name and the owner likely new is was a matter of time before this asshole brought smear to the name through current and past actions.
Warren Moon his sports marketing company were hit with a lawsuit form hell that hopefully will bankrupt this black son of a bitch and men like Warren Moon should never be in charge or directing any company and this is the problem of capitalism  today playing overtures and throwing money towards the scum like of former athletes as Warren Moon who likely made a career out of harassing women. Warren Moon like many athletes are dudes who would never be near a woman without their sports related connections and fame and when many women resit the animal savage comes out and Ms Wendy Haskel actually is lucky to be alive having been near this savage in such compromising positions. The former NFL quarterback is a sleazeball always has been one and like fine wine will further progress to totally being a major sleazeball and should be kept away form young women. Warren Moon wore number one on field but without football this sleazeball predator would be wearing seven numbers and be in the judicial system and just another black rapist in the state pen.

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